Ivan Petrov
Rossiyskaya Gazeta, August 30, 2016, p. 5
Combat readiness of not only military structures but also civil ones will be tested in the course of the sudden check announced last week. The Defense Ministry reports that structure divisions of the Communication Ministry, Finance Ministry, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Federal Reserve Agency and Bank of Russia will participate in the mobilization events.
Combat readiness of not only military structures but also civil ones will be tested in the course of the sudden check announced last week. The Defense Ministry reports that structure divisions of the Communication Ministry, Finance Ministry, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Federal Reserve Agency and Bank of Russia will participate in the mobilization events.
This is not the first time when civilians are involved into big-scale military exercises. When Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu only planned a new kind of exercises in the form of sudden checks he told journalists already then that it would be impossible to conduct them without assistance of state officials. If oil companies do not supply sufficient quantity of gasoline to the troops quickly military hardware simply will be unable to go to the march in due time. This is only one of the examples mentioned by the Defense Minister.
The military also need a clear coordination of their actions with RZD to be able to deliver personnel, armament and military hardware to the appointed area by railway. An important role in mobilization readiness is also given to financial structures of the country.
Starting the sudden check, Shoigu ordered his deputy Tatiana Shevtsova to organize a check of the system of financial support of command bodies and troops in the southwestern strategic direction during transition from peacetime to wartime.
It became known that the Central Bank would start working in field conditions. RIA Novosti quoted the Defense Ministry as saying, “Field institutions of the Bank of Russia will do financial support of troops separately from the permanent bases for the first time.”
Several enterprises of the military industrial complex located in the south of the country will also be checked for readiness for fulfillment of mobilization orders for supply and repair of armament, military and special hardware in the interests of the newly formed groups of forces.
Regional executive power bodies will not stay aside of the big-scale exercises too. It is explained that they will conduct coordination and control of transition to work “in wartime conditions,” provision of mobilization deployment and territorial defense measures in the responsibility zone.
Drafting of reservists, supply of automobiles and formation of territorial defense military units in the Southern and Central military districts and in the Northern Fleet is going on simultaneously.
The Defense Ministry explained, “Courses of intensive general-purpose military training, training in military professions and combat coordination within military units will be carried out with the drafted reservists.”
An experiment for implementation of a new system for preparation and accumulation of mobilization human resources is currently conducted in the army. The experiment implies singling out of the mobilization human reserve from the ordinary reserve. These are people who are in the reserve but have signed a contract on stay in the reserve on a certain military post. The reservists receive monetary payments from the Defense Ministry for this.