

WPS offers you complete coverage of the Russian print and web media to meet your needs. Your will find our reading lists on the Sources page. More titles can be added at your request. You may request full-list monitoring or select specific publications.
Each publication is professionally searched for stories, ads or key-words that you or your company require. Russian articles can be supplemented with English summaries or full-text translation. National and Moscow-based dailies and weeklies are screened on the day of publication, and the monitoring results are emailed to the client same day.

Press Clippings

On-Going Monitoring of Newspapers and Magazines

Type of service Sources Prices (Currency: RUR) Monthly monitoring fee for one subject or a set of related key-words
OCRed text clips National and regional newspapers, Russian Web 107-220 per article 3 000
Russian Web 107 per article
Specialized press, glossy magazines, English-language newspapers 150-257 per article negotiable
PDF clips National and regional newspapers, Russian Web from 142 per page 3 000
Specialized press, glossy magazines, English-language newspapers negotiable

Archival research

Type of service Sources Prices (Currency: RUR) Monitoring fee for one subject or a set of related key-words
Machine search National and regional newspapers 107-220 per article (doc, txt) 3 000 for monitoring period
Document retrieval from WPS digests 107 per article (doc, txt)
Manual search Russian magazines (in hard copy) 150-257 per article (doc, txt) or 130 per PDF page 3 000 per month
Russian web 107 per article (doc, txt) or 130 per PDF page 3 000 for monitoring period

Additional services

Type of service Prices (Currency: RUR)
Article summary (5-10 lines) in English 270
Article summary (5-10 lines) in Russian 89
Sorting of articles by categories 83 per 1 article
Full translation of article from Russian into English 2.40 per word
AVE (advertising value equivalent) 55 per article


Round-the-clock, since 1993, WPS monitors the broadcasts of Russian electronic media. Each broadcast segment that contains a reference to the subject matter specified by your order will be carefully selected and, if you request, transcribed in Russian or English. You may also request that, on the day following the broadcast, we notify you in Russian or English of the news content, before you decide whether to order a transcript or tape. Summaries and transcripts will be transmitted to you by email or fax. Tapes will be delivered by courier to meet your deadlines.

Broadcast monitoring

On-Going Monitoring of Russian Electronic Media

Type of service Prices (Currency: RUR)
Minimal handling fee for one subject or a set of related key-words – 2 006 per month.
Transcription of programs in Russian 390 per segment of under 2 Kb
Backsearch of transcripts 250 per 1 item
Broadcast summary report in English without item description 540 per 1 item
Broadcast summary report in English with item description 646 per 1 item
Translation of Russian transcripts into English 2.40 per word plus the cost of Russian transcript

Broadcast sports monitoring

Format of data Standard TV channels (Currency: RUR) TV channels on demand (Currency: RUR)
Handling fee for monitoring of one sport event – 1584 per month
Table of statistic report of sport events on Russian TV with alerts (broadcast data and summaries) 162 per 1 alert in English 199 per 1 alert in English


Our digests provide comprehensive coverage of various aspects of Russia’s political and economic life, crucial industries and market sectors. They are compiled of news carried by the most important and popular local general-interest dailies and weeklies – an essential factor of influence upon public opinion in this country. 10 digests are issued in English, others – in Russian. Choose from our listings of titles – English or Russian, see sample issues.

Digests (Currency: RUR)

In English

Service Frequency 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year
Banking and Stock Exchange. Finance. Economics 5 issues a week 5 600 16 800 33 600 67 200
Defense and Security 3 issues a week negotiable negotiable negotiable negotiable
Motor Digest. Weekly Survey of Russian Market weekly 5 100 15 300 30 600 61 200
Russian Defense Industry Digest twice a month 2 947 8 841 16 798 31 827
The Russian Finance Report the archive 1 997 5 990 11 381 21 562
What the Papers Say 5 issues a week negotiable negotiable negotiable negotiable

In Russian

Service Frequency 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year
Avto-digest (Motor Digest) weekly 4 600 13 800 27 600 55 200
Banki i brzhi segodnya (Part I and II) 11 issues a week 5 500 16 500 33 000 66 000
Banki i brzhi segodnya. Part I (Banking and Stock Exchange. Part I) 5 issues a week 3 000 9 000 18 000 36 000
Banki i brzhi segodnya. Part II (Banking and Stock Exchange. Part II) 5 issues a week 3 000 9 000 18 000 36 000
Biznes-ekspress (Business Express) 5 issues a week 2 750 8 250 16 500 33 000
Biznes-Neft (Business Oil Daily) 5 issues a week 6 150 18 450 36 900 73 800
Biznes-Reputatsia (Business Reputation) weekly 2 196 6 587 12 516 23 713
Centralnoaziatskie novosti (Central Asia News) the archive 2 662 7 986 15 173 28 750
Monitoring TV i Radio: Ekonomika (TV and Radio Monitor: Economy) 6 issues a week 5 962 17 886 33 983 64 390
Monitoring TV i Radio: Politika (TV and Radio Monitor: Politics) 2 issues daily 9 065 27 195 51 671 97 903
Nedvizhimost (Realty Market) weekly 4 600 13 860 27 720 55 440
Oborona i Bezopasnost (Defense and Security) 3 issues a week 6 886 20 659 39 251 74 370
Pharmaceuticheski digest (Pharmaceuticals Digest) weekly 2 750 8 250 16 500 33 000
Regionalny bankovskiy vestnik (Regional Banking Digest) weekly 4 150 12 450 24 900 55 440
Reklama i reklamnaya deyatelnost (Advertising Business in Russia) weekly 5 100 15 300 30 600 61 200
Religioznaya zhizn v Rossii (Religion in Russia) the archive 999 2 996 5 690 10 781
Rynok dragotzennykh metallov i kamney (Precious Metals and Stones Market) weekly 2 750 8 250 16 500 33 000
TEK Rossii. Obzor pressy (Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia. Press Survey) 5 issues a week 7 150 21 450 42 900 85 800
VPK i Biznes (Russian Defense Industry Digest) twice a month 2 196 6 587 12 516 23 713