Recently, mass media reported that ROSTOV (DOSAAF) was going to appeal to the court to contest the refusal to permit some of its organizations to take part in the tender for preparation of conscripts for service in the Armed Forces.
Chair of Central Council of ROSTO (DOSAAF) Yury Kamyshanov reported:
– The Central Council of ROSTO is going to appeal to the court to contest the actions of the commission of the public tender of the Defense Ministry for the right to sign a state contract on training of citizens in military professions in 2009.
Kamyshanov explained, “On October 8, this commission made a decision to refuse to admit some educational organizations of ROSTO to participation in the tender for the right to train military specialists for the Armed Forces in 2009 due to purely formal and far-fetched grounds. Five of the eight our organizations that submitted applications were excluded from the tender.”
According to Kamyshanov, the Central Council has enough grounds to contest illegal actions of the Defense Ministry in accordance with the current laws.
This fact looks like sensation because ROSTO fulfills 80% of the state order in training of military specialists for the Defense Ministry and for other security agencies annually.
Kamyshanov pointed out, “Last year alone, we trained 60,000 military specialists for the Defense Ministry. This year, we already trained about 80,000 specialists in 39 military professions for the troops. That is why we take exclusion of our defense organization from the tender as crying manifestation of a non-statehood approach of some officials of the Defense Ministry, a kind of provocation towards ROSTO.”
Meanwhile, intentions of Kamyshanov to contest the actions of the Defense Ministry in the court look ungrounded in many aspects. Nezavisimaya Gazeta writes with reference to Deputy Chief of the General Staff Colonel General Vasily Smirnov, “Only about 40% of the training network of ROSTO is equipped with modern material and technical base and some schools simple do not have automobile racetracks. The situation is aggravated by the absence of state control over use of the material base by ROSTO. In some places, automobiles and other kinds of material base are leased with damage to the training process.” To put this short, ROSTO (DOSAAF) has small chances to defeat the Defense Ministry.
Moreover so that, according to source in the General Staff, the ministry is going to de-monopolize the system of training of military specialists in schools of ROSTO (DOSAAF) through organization of public tenders for the right to sign state contracts on training of citizens in military professions with other educational institutions of the country. General Smirnov spoke about this back in summer of 2008. Then the ministry proposed the government to prepare documents on reorganization of ROSTO (DOSAAF) into a public state organization and to take a part of property from it. The Economic Development Ministry rejected this idea. In any case, it seems that the Defense Ministry is not going to surrender.
According to Kamyshanov, the Defense Ministry keeps insisting on changing of the legal status of ROSTO from current state partnership to public state association without any serious grounds.
Kamyshanov remarks, “This contradicts the bylaws of ROSTO and a number of federal laws including the law “On public associations.” Nonetheless, the Defense Ministry is still mounting up pressure on our regional organizations for achievement its goals.”
Nezavisimaya Gazeta quotes Colonel of the reserve Vladimir Popov, professor of the institute of state administration, as saying, “Will the Defense Ministry be able to organize training of military specialists outside of ROSTO (DOSAAF) efficiently? The answer to this question cannot be fully positive. There are a lot of “but!” like problems of corruption, economic crisis, selection of qualified teachers, their salaries, etc. It was necessary to settle this issue earlier but not now when the conscript service term was reduced to one year.” Along with this, Popov adds that for solving of this problem it is necessary to use big organizing, financial and material resources of regions of the entire country and not only the Defense Ministry. According to the General Staff, already in 2008 it will be necessary to train 127,000 conscripts in military professions.
Popov concludes, “So far, everything is going on in the old way. ROSTO is producing “semi-finished products” for the troops and the Defense Ministry accomplishes their training. And the state money keeps flowing…”