Why is the new Military Doctrine necessary?


Discussion of the important and pressing topic, development of a new revision of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, continues now in the Russian military research and expert community.

State power bodies, security agencies and representatives of the public concerned prepared and presented their proposals regarding the structure and content of this document, which is basic for further development of the military organization of our state.

We take this topic with special attention in the defense and security committee of the Federation Council because the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation is directly related to the legislative provision of security and strengthening of the defensive capability of the country.

It is known that military doctrine represents a combination of views (approaches) adopted in the state and determining the military political, military strategic and military economic basics for the provision of national security in the military field. Proceeding from the comprehensive evaluation of the military political situation in the world and long-term forecasts of its development, the military doctrine should reflect the current and future tasks of buildup of the military organization and should determine the needs and the ways of military security provision.

It is necessary to emphasize that systemic analysis of the content and nature of the main threats to national security of Russia represented in the military doctrine should contain an objective analysis and clear evaluation of possible military conflicts, should determine the main lines for their prevention and resolving on the basis of domestic and foreign experience.

The practice of the last few years has shown that there is a pressing need for the creation of a mobile and dynamic system for development of documents of the conceptual nature in the field of defense and security enabling the state power and governance bodies to react quickly to appearing threats to national security, including threats in the military field.

Taking into account the high dynamic of political, economic, social, information, spiritual and military processes proper in the modern world conditioned by the rivalry of separate countries and their coalitions for global and regional domination, the evolution of external and internal threats to security of the Russian Federation and Russian society, it would be expedient to correct and supplement separate provisions of the military doctrine.

Thus, we believe that in the new revision of the military doctrine, it is expedient to outline a relevant organizational legal mechanism for correction of the text and separate provisions in the framework of which it is necessary to make provisions for a list of state institutions and non-state subjects participating in the development and approval of the military doctrine, to determine the spheres of their competence, procedures for interaction and the degrees of their responsibility.

It would be possible to use such model of activity also in correction of the provisions of the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation.

It is also necessary to emphasize a number of aspects especially important for legislators.

The modern notions of the military doctrine are based on the fact that there is a methodological basis for the buildup and development of the military organization of the state and its provisions should determine the entire system of institutions and relations in the field of military security. Hence, we think that it is necessary to stress that provisions of the currently effective military doctrine are formulated taking into account the already established system of institutions and bodies of security provision on the basis of legally confirmed procedure and rules of relations among the subjects of military buildup. Thus, the functional purpose of the currently effective military doctrine is limited by the framework of the already existing organizational structure. This circumstance leads to the decrease of the degree of freedom of subjects of the military buildup and components of the military organization of the state in choice of optimal models (variability) of implementation of the military buildup policy. Along with this, they should correspond to changing conditions and should take into account the factors that influence the condition of security in the country and its provision.

The situation regarding creation and improvement of the legal basics for provision of security of the country and buildup of the military organization of the state is also paradoxical because legislative outlining of goals, functions, tasks and powers of the Interior Ministry, Federal Security Service and some other agencies that are not the basis of the military organization of the state has been done before development and adoption of conceptual provisions of the military doctrine of the state and inaction of the bill on the Armed Forces. Such bills failed to find support and realization in the legislative process yet. Meanwhile, these are the Armed Forces that are the nucleus of the military organization of the state.

According to the defense and security committee of the Federation Council, this situation incurs damage on the end results and overall results of the state activity in the field of military buildup, breaches the hierarchy of subordination of components of the military organization and reduces efficiency of interaction of all components in the framework of an integral system of military security provision. Thus, the new revision of the military doctrine should contain specified indications at the role and place, nature and procedure of interaction of components of the military organization, coordination of their activity, their subordination and co-subordination, areas of responsibility and criteria for evaluation of tasks of military security provision.

This circumstance obliges the federal power bodies (subjects of military buildup) to revise the existing approaches of the formation of the normative legal component of the mechanism of implementation of the military buildup policy, which implies development and outlining in the new revision of the military doctrine of the principles and norms for coordinating activity of the military organization for the purpose of optimization of military buildup processes in the Russian Federation.

Hence, in our opinion, the key link and goal determining further prospects for development of the military organization of Russia is the achievement of efficient comprehensive interaction of subjects of military building, institutions of state and society in the course of joint military buildup activity, which should be reflected in the new revision of the military doctrine.

There is no doubt that the military organization of the state should be developed in accordance with the laws of development of the armed struggle, as well as qualitative and quantitative parameters achieved proceeding from the level of development of armament, military hardware, strategy and tactics of combat operations.

In conclusion, I stress that further development of the military organization of the Russian state should be based on a historically substantiated principle: excessive splitting of security agencies of the military organization of the state and a weakening of centralization of their command are incompatible with growth of the defense might of the country.