On November 24 the exhibition, “Dubai Air Show” was over. It is carried out once every two years, and according to experts is more of the most foregrounding airspace exhibitions. The current air show was unprecedented in terms of the amount of participants. For the first time such countries as Austria, Australia, Malaysia, Korea, the Philippines, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Oman took part in the exhibition. The air show turned out to be very promising for the Far Eastern market. This market is estimated to cost $5 billion dollars a year. For example, Emirates, Andrei Nikushilin: international air company of the Arab Emirates, signed the contract of purchase of 42 planes Boeing 777. A large contract of purchase planes of the same series was signed by China.
The results for Russia are more humble, but still there are some. The company Civilian Planes of Sukhoi (a subsidiary of CEO Sukhoi) won the first foreign order on new regional plane RRJ with capacity of 95 seats. The foreign starting customer is the leasing company Concord Aviation from Dubai, which concluded the contract on 20 planes and the same number of vehicles as warrant certificate. The overall cost of the contract is about $1 billion. Also preliminary contracts on several amphibious aircraft Be-103 were signed. Probably, the company will buy pilot-less aircraft from the company Irkut. But sums of contract are small here. For the aircraft building company MiG the Arab market is the most promising. According to executive officer of marketing, sales and after-sales services department Vladimir Vypryazhkin, these days the corporation MiG has produced 1,600 planes MiG-29 of different modifications. About 1,000 of them are in operation in 29 countries. The representatives of the company MiG did not signed any contract of procurement or modernization of their products in Dubai. However, there is information, that they achieved agreement with one of the Arab countries on exchanging old MiG’s for new repaired and modernized ones according to the system “trade-in”.