Saturday, December 14, 2024

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Home Centralnoaziatskie novosti (Central Asia News)

Centralnoaziatskie novosti (Central Asia News)

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This daily newsletter covers the situation in post-Soviet Central Asia states, including current events, domestic and foreign policy, particularly relations with the USA and Russia, economic and cultural news and human rights issues.

Archive: available since 2001

Язык: RU

Sources: Russian print and web media, Central Asiatic print and electronic media, first-hand news from
Frequency:the archive

Subscription prices in RUB:

  • 1 month—2 662
  • 3 months—7 986
  • 6 months—15 173
  • 1 year—28 750

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Centralnoaziatskie novosti (Central Asia News): Trial subscription

This daily newsletter covers the situation in post-Soviet Central Asia states, including current events, domestic and foreign policy, particularly relations with the USA and Russia, economic and cultural news and human rights issues.