Trud, November 14, 2001, p. 1

Yesterday another body of a crewmember from the Kursk nuclear-powered submarine was identified. It was seaman Maksim Borzhov, who was drafted into the Northern Fleet from the Vladimir region. Thus, 55 crewmembers whose remains have been recovered from the explosion-damaged compartments of the submarine have been identified. One body found in the Kursk is still unidentified. Overall, 118 people were aboard the submarine during that fatal voyage.

Meanwhile, the investigation group still has a great deal of work to do on the submarine. Blockages continue to be demolished in the second and third compartments. Justice Colonel Vladimir Mulov, military prosecutor of the Northern Fleet, has admitted that there is almost no chance of finding any more bodies. As Mulov said, the wreckage is “solid compressed metal.”

Unfortunately, hopes that a logbook found in the fifth compartment would help to shed light on the mystery of the disaster have proved unjustified. The information in it is only related to the status of a power system on the Kursk, and “is purely of a technical nature”, said Admiral Popov, Commander of the Northern Fleet. According to Ilia Klebanov, head of the government commission for investigation into the Kursk disaster, there is a better chance that significant data will be received after a series of experiments and calculations are completed in St. Petersburg. The committee has been given two months for that. “I cannot say for certain, but we may receive information which would permit us to learn the reason for the Kursk’s sinking,” said Klebanov.